application: fan

This application deals with polyhedral fans. You can define a fan, e.g. via its RAYS and MAXIMAL_CONES and compute several properties like HASSE_DIAGRAM and F_VECTOR.

imports from: common, graph, polytope
uses: topaz


    REGULAR: common::Bool

    True if the fan is the normal fan of a polyhedron.

    HOMOLOGY: topaz::Array<HomologyGroup>

    The homology of the intersection of the fan with the unit sphere.

    INTERSECTION_COMPLEX: topaz::SimplicialComplex

    If the fan is SIMPLICIAL the simplicial complex obtained by intersection the fan with the unit sphere. If the fan is not SIMPLICIAL the crosscut complex of the insersection.

  • User Methods of PolyhedralFan

    Permutations of PolyhedralFan



    A PolyhedralFan with a symmetry group acting on the coordinates.

    derived from: PolyhedralFan

    Properties of SymmetricFan

    N_SYMMETRIES: common::Int

    Number of elements of the symmetry group.

    ORBITS_F_VECTOR: common::Vector<Integer>

    f_k is the number of k-dimensional cones up to symmetry.

  • User Methods of SymmetricFan




    derived from: PolyhedralFan

    Properties of TropicalVariety

  • User Functions

    hyperplane_arrangement (H)

    Compute the fan given by a bunch of hyperplanes H.

    normal_fan (p)

    Computes the normal fan of p.
